Zeg je meest creatieve bureau van 2018, dan zeg je Weekend Creative Agency

NVFM-supporter Weekend Creative Agency is volgens het klanttevredenheidsonderzoek Fonk50 uitgeroepen tot de meest creatieve bureau van 2018. De NVFM feliciteert Weekend Creative Agency met deze prachtige award.

Weekend Creative Agency is uiteraard zeer trots op deze benoeming, of zoals ze het zelf zeggen:

Ladies and gentlemen, we have some pretty awesome breaking news to share. Being tested in multiple categories, we found ourselves topping the list we care for the very most: creativity.

This means we are granted the title ‘Best Creative Agency 2018’ in the range of middle sized Dutch agencies. Needless to say, we are extremely happy and – above all – thankful for our wonderful clients: thank you! ♡

The annual FONK50 ranking judges Dutch agencies on 12 relevant disciplines. In 10 out of 12, we scored top 10 rankings:

Creativity (#1 of the Netherlands)
Price/quality (#2)
Speed of operation (#5)
Relationship management (#5)
Proactivity (#7)
Sparring partner (#7)
Administrative processing (#7)
Commitment & service (#9)
Effectiveness (#9)
Handling of briefings (#10)


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